IdentityIQ Review: Is IdentityIQ Worth It In 2024?

We at IdentityIQ have been around a while, and one of the most common questions we hear is: Is IdentityIQ worth it? Spoiler alert: Yes, IdentityIQ is worth it for most people. But, you might think we’re a little bit biased, so we put together a list of all the reasons why IdentityIQ may [...]

AI Scams Are Targeting Voters in the Upcoming Election

As the upcoming election approaches, voters are increasingly becoming targets of sophisticated AI scams designed to provide misinformation to influence the election results. Deepfake videos, which use artificial intelligence to create hyper-realistic but entirely fake footage, and AI-powered robocalls, which use advanced speech synthesis to deliver convincing but fraudulent messages, are among the tactics [...]

What Caused the CrowdStrike Microsoft Outage?

The CrowdStrike Microsoft outage is the largest IT outage in history with businesses affected worldwide. Triggered by a software update issue at CrowdStrike and compounded by disruptions in Microsoft's Azure cloud platform, the outage led to significant operational disruptions across airlines, financial institutions, health care systems, and media companies. The unprecedented scale of the [...]

The Future of Identity Verification: From Blockchain to Biometrics

Identity verification is a security tool that can help protect individuals and organizations from digital threats, identity theft, and more by limiting access only to authorized persons. But identity verification isn’t foolproof, and advanced technologies such as blockchain and biometric authentication can help make it stronger. Key Takeaways The current landscape of identity verification [...]

How Can Biometrics Prevent Identity Theft?

In an increasingly online world, digital safety is more important than ever. Biometrics has emerged as a powerful tool in the fight against identity theft. This article delves into the various biometric authentication methods, explaining how they work and how biometrics can help prevent identity theft. What are Biometrics? Biometrics are measurements of unique [...]

The Origins and History of the Dark Web

The dark web is a hidden part of the internet that cannot be accessed as easily. To get to the dark web, you need to use special tools designed to provide anonymity and privacy for the dark web’s users and website administrators. While there are many legitimate reasons to use the dark web, its [...]

Safe Gaming Tips: How Gamers Can Help Protect Their Privacy

There were an estimated 1.1 billion online gamers last year, which makes online gaming a massive target for criminals and hackers. If you or your kids enjoy playing video games online like Minecraft or Roblox, you need to prioritize security and privacy, as there are financial and safety risks involved. For example, last year [...]

Synthetic Identity Theft: What It Is and How It Works

You work hard to protect your identity. You're cautious about sharing personal information, you regularly change your passwords, and you keep an eye on your credit report. But despite your diligence, there's a form of identity theft that's becoming increasingly prevalent and is notoriously difficult to detect -- synthetic identity theft. Understanding this growing [...]

How to Help Protect Your Digital Footprint

Every click, search, and interaction online contributes to your digital footprint – an intricate trail of data that encapsulates your digital identity. While the digital landscape offers unprecedented convenience and connectivity, it also presents many risks. From the potential threat of identity theft to the impact on professional and personal reputations, protecting our digital [...]

The Deep Web vs. the Dark Web vs. the Surface Web: What’s the Difference?

The internet is made of up three parts: the surface web, the deep web, and the dark web. There are key characteristics that distinguish each part, but the differences are often poorly understood – especially when it comes to the connection with cybercrime. Here’s the difference between the surface web, the deep web, and the [...]

2023: A Year of Record-Breaking Data Breaches

This past year has been an eye-opening year in the realm of digital security. Data breaches reached an all-time high, leaving a trail of identity theft cases. From corporate giants to public hospitals, cybercriminal activity has continued to snowball across several industries. This has left victims scrambling to understand the extent of the damage [...]

How Does Credit Monitoring Protect You From Identity Theft?

In today's digital world, safeguarding your identity is paramount. With the ever-increasing threat of data breaches and identity theft, it's crucial to take proactive steps to protect your personal information and financial well-being. One powerful tool in your arsenal is credit monitoring. But how does credit monitoring protect you from identity theft? This comprehensive [...]

What You Need to Know About Apple’s NameDrop iOS17 Feature

Apple's recent iOS17 update introduced NameDrop, enabling users to exchange contact information quickly and easily. While this feature offers unmatched convenience, it also has raised some safety concerns. Here is what you need to know about Apple's NameDrop iOS17 feature. What Is Apple NameDrop? Apple's NameDrop feature simplifies the exchange of contact information among [...]

Holiday Online Shopping Safety Tips

The holiday shopping season is quickly approaching and will be gone before you know it. So, it's time to start checking off that gift list! Online holiday shopping brings game-changing convenience to busy shoppers, but without the proper safety best practices, online shoppers can be vulnerable to hackers, identity theft, and all other kinds [...]

10 Tips for Traveler Identity Theft Protection

Travel has become an essential part of everyday life for many, offering adventure, cultural experiences, and opportunities for personal growth. However, as we embark on these journeys, we must also be vigilant guardians of our personal information. Travel identity theft is a rising concern, with cybercriminals constantly devising new ways to exploit unsuspecting travelers. [...]

Credit Card Lock vs. Credit Freeze: What’s the Difference?

Credit card locks and credit freezes are security features that can be used to help protect you from fraud and identity theft. But even though they sound similar, they perform very different functions when keeping you safe. The key difference: credit card locks help protect your credit card from fraud, while credit freezes help [...]

6 Ways Parental Controls Help Protect Your Child

In today's modern world of social media, online gaming with games like Fortnite and Roblox, and online shopping, the internet is easily one of the most valuable assets a child can have. However, it's also potentially one of the most dangerous, depending on what sites they visit and their other activities. While the internet [...]

7 Ways to Help Keep Your Kids Safe Online

The internet is bustling with activities kids want to explore. But just as you wouldn’t send your child outdoors without some guidance, the same applies to their time online. How can you actively protect your kids online without hovering over their shoulder every second? This guide offers practical steps to help you build a [...]

How Do I Get an IP PIN from the IRS?

Tax season provides an opportunity for criminals to commit tax-related identity theft using stolen taxpayer information to file tax returns and claim fraudulent tax refunds. Recovering from tax identity theft can be time-consuming and might delay any legitimate tax refund you may be owed. One way to proactively prevent tax identity theft is to [...]

How to Identify and Avoid Holiday Phishing Scams

The holiday season brings joy, celebrations, and… a surge in online scams. While you’re shopping for gifts or booking flights, hackers are plotting to trick you into revealing your personal details and financial information. Holiday phishing scams are an ongoing issue that ramps up when folks are feeling the most festive. About three-quarters of American [...]

What To Do with Old Computers to Protect Your Identity

Imagine your dusty old computer, tucked away in the corner of your attic, becoming a Pandora's box of personal secrets. Those devices hold the keys to your digital life, brimming with memories, personal data, and more. What if in the wrong hands, that obsolete computer becomes a treasure trove for cybercriminals, eager to crack [...]

7 Internet Safety Tips for Safer Internet Browsing

With the internet, we can access vast amounts of information with only a click or tap. This year, the total number of internet users worldwide reached 5.18 billion, nearly two-thirds of the world’s population. And as immense as the internet is, so are the risks. To make sure that your time spent online is enjoyable [...]

Spam vs. Phishing: What’s the Difference?

Day by day, threats to online security continue to rise. Among these threats, spam and phishing are two commonly misunderstood but distinct challenges. In this blog, we shed light on the differences between spam and phishing and provide valuable insights to help you avoid falling victim to these malicious activities What is Spam? Spam [...]

What Are Cookies and Are They Bad? A Detailed Guide on Website Cookies

Cookies are a common and core component of the modern internet, but many people often wonder what these "cookies" are, how they function, and whether they should be a cause for concern. This article explores what cookies are, how they work, and how they impact your online experience, privacy, and security. What Are Cookies? [...]

10 Effective Ways to Prevent Compromised Credentials

Protecting your personal information and online identity is crucial, especially as cyber threats continue to gain traction. Cybercriminals are constantly evolving their tactics to get unauthorized access to sensitive data, and having your credentials compromised poses a significant threat. In fact, last year 55% of identity crime cases reported to the Identity Theft Resource [...]

How to Detect and Respond to Account Misuse

As digital connectivity continues to grow, safeguarding your online accounts from misuse is becoming increasingly crucial. According to the Identity Theft Resource Center (ITRC), last year there was a 13% increase in reports of misuse for both new and existing accounts compared to the year prior. Account misuse can result in alarming repercussions, including [...]

How Virtual Card Numbers Make Online Shopping Safer

The risk of identity theft is on the rise, and it's becoming a serious concern. In fact, over the past decade, the number of people who have fallen victim to fraud and identity theft has nearly tripled. The FBI estimates that the total losses from cybercrime in 2023 will reach a staggering $10.2 billion [...]

How to Protect Your Social Security Number: 7 Tips to Secure Your SSN

Understanding the Importance of Your Social Security Number Social Security Numbers (SSNs) are unique identifying numbers assigned to U.S. citizens and eligible residents. Your SSN is used to identify you with a wide variety of third-party organizations, from government agencies to businesses. Criminals who gain access to your SSN may use it to steal your [...]

What is Dark Web Monitoring?

Dark web monitoring is a service that scans the dark web for signs that your personal information is being used fraudulently. While the dark web serves many legitimate functions, the anonymity of it also attracts people who are buying and selling illegal goods and services – including stolen personal information. With so many data [...]

The Ultimate Guide to Child Identity Theft: Types, Warning Signs & Prevention Strategies

Child identity theft is a significant problem in the US. A recent report by Javelin Strategy & Research, sponsored by AARP, found that 915,000 children, or 1 in 80, were victims of identity theft in the past year. Additionally, 1 in 43 children were affected by a data breach from July 2021 to [...]

The Rise of AI Social Engineering Scams

In today's digital age, social engineering scams have become an increasingly prevalent threat. In fact, last year, scams accounted for 80% of reported identity compromises to the Identity Theft Resource Center (ITRC). This was a 3% increase compared to the previous year. Social engineering scams leverage psychological manipulation to deceive individuals and exploit the [...]

Is It Safe to Do a Dark Web Scan?

Criminals who obtain an individual’s personally identifiable information (PII) may share it or sell it online using the dark web. Many companies offer dark web scans that will search the dark web for your information and alert you if they find anything. But it’s important to remember the limitations of dark web scans and [...]

How Do You Know if Your Information Is On the Dark Web?

The dark web is a hidden part of the internet most people can't access. It's where illegal activities, like buying and selling drugs, weapons, and stolen personal information, take place. If you're not familiar with the dark web, you might be wondering what it is, how information gets there, and what happens if your [...]

Is Dark Web Monitoring Worth It?

In a world where cyber threats are increasingly prevalent, the dark web has become a breeding ground for criminal activity. This has left individuals and businesses wondering whether dark web monitoring is worth the investment. This blog explores the ins and outs of dark web monitoring, including what it is, how it works, and [...]

Juice Jacking: The Latest Cyber Threat to Your Personal Information and Devices

Juice jacking, a new cybercrime trend, is targeting people who charge their phones or tablets at public charging stations. This blog delves into the specifics of juice jacking, including how it operates, the various attack types, the associated risks, measures to help safeguard yourself, and actions to take if you fall prey to it. [...]

Credential Stuffing Attacks: What They Are & How To Prevent Them

Hackers can use different techniques to steal your passwords. One way they can use your stolen personal data is called credential stuffing. Read on to learn more about credential stuffing and how you can help protect yourself. What is Credential Stuffing? Credential stuffing is a cyberattack involving hackers using software to try multiple combinations of [...]

NFT Scams – How They Work and How To Spot Them

In recent years, the market for non-fungible tokens (NFTs) experienced a significant increase with its value exceeding $23 billion last year alone, according to DappRadar. However, this growth also led to an increase in NFT scams where bad actors stole login credentials or deceived buyers. In this blog, we explain how these scams operate [...]

What are the Benefits of a Password Manager?

Passwords are essential when keeping your information safe on your devices. But unfortunately, many people use weak or the same password, making it easy for hackers to crack them. Research shows that 52% of people reuse passwords for multiple accounts. Luckily, password managers can help by creating and storing strong passwords for different websites and apps [...]

Tax Season Scams: How to Protect Your Identity

While it’s important to be on high alert and protect your identity all year long, tax season is an especially vulnerable time. Every tax season, identity thieves run a variety of scams to get their hands on taxpayers’ personal information. Many scams occur, but most have a common goal: filing a fraudulent tax return [...]

Top 7 Data Security Practices for the Workplace

As businesses become increasingly reliant on technology, protecting sensitive information is more important than ever. Data breaches and cyberattacks can result in costly consequences, making strong data security practices essential. In this blog, we cover the top-seven data security practices every workplace should implement to help protect valuable information and more. Why is Data [...]

The IRS Phone Scam: Understanding the Tactics Used by Fraudsters

Tax season allows con artists to scam taxpayers out of their hard-earned money each year in the United States. These scams range from simple to sophisticated, but many are initiated using a single phone call. Here’s how phone fraudsters are targeting taxpayers this tax season and how you can spot an IRS phone scam. [...]

What Is Ransomware and How Does It Work?

Ransomware is one of the most common types of cyberattacks. With how vastly the internet has become embedded in our day-to-day lives, cyberattacks such as ransomware can cause costly disruptions. According to the Harvard Business Review, the amount of money paid to ransomware hackers increased 300% from 2020 to 2021. This is after ransomware attacks rose [...]

What to Do If Your Phone Is Lost or Stolen

Losing your phone can feel like the end of the world. One minute it's in your pocket, and the next you can't find it anywhere! Whether it was dropped somewhere, taken by someone, or completely disappeared into thin air, you're now in a whirlwind of worry and frustration. No doubt you are concerned about [...]

Can Hackers Create Fake Hotspots?

We rely on the internet, from communicating with loved ones on social media to working and conducting business. As a result, vulnerability to cybercrime is a serious concern. One of the ways hackers attempt to exploit people is by creating Wi-Fi hotspots that imitate a legit business, organization or even an airport and acts [...]

What is a Keylogger and What Does Keylogging Mean?

You might not realize it, but your computer or phone constantly records everything you do. Every keystroke, every website you visit, and every password you type is recorded by a piece of software or hardware called a keylogger or keystroke logger. Keyloggers are used for many different things - from tracking employees' activity to [...]

7 Tips to Follow for Safer Internet Day

The 20th annual Safer Internet Day is taking place on February 7! Safer Internet Day is a campaign that aims to educate the public on internet safety and encourage everyone to take part in creating a safer internet. Why is Safer Internet Day Important? Online safety is a global issue, with 60% of the [...]

Bluetooth Hacks – How Your Devices are Targeted

Bluetooth is a widely used, convenient technology included on every smartphone, tablet, and laptop computer these days. You can share files, play media, and more with a wireless connection. But like with unsecured Wi-Fi networks, hackers can target your Bluetooth-enabled devices to commit identity theft, install malware, or spam you with messages. This blog will discuss [...]

6 Tips for Sharing Files Safely and Securely

Whether you have a project you are working on or want to give someone a couple of photos, there are several scenarios where you find yourself in need of sharing files. Regardless of the file type you want to share, it is important to consider the safety of the methods you use. In this [...]

How to Not Get Scammed Buying Tickets

If attending the biggest sporting events, festivals and concerts is a big part of your vacation plans, it can be a bummer to find out that the ticket deal you scored is a scam. After all, you are making a hefty investment to be there, which you know after budgeting out your vacation. And it [...]

5 Things You Should Not Share on Social Media

Social media has become some of the most popular platforms people spend their time on. Whether you want to check up on your family members, post photos or even meet new people, social media is the way to go. Even businesses take up social media to promote their products and services. What you post on [...]

Is It Safe to Open a Holiday E-Card?

With the holiday season upon us, e-cards are a popular way to spread holiday cheer! An e-card is a digital greeting card, typically sent via email. E-cards are slowly taking the place of traditional holiday cards for many reasons. They are  typically cheaper, easier to send, more convenient and more animated than a normal [...]

What Happens If a Scammer Has Your Email Address?

It can be scary finding out that a scammer has stolen your email address, whether it’s your personal or work address. Sadly, there are many ways scammers and hackers can source their victims’ email addresses, including buying them from data providers or the dark web, email harvesting, social engineering, fake websites or social media. [...]

Do You Still Need to Buy Antivirus Software?

Computer viruses are malicious programs that can disrupt computer systems, hijack or steal sensitive data, spy on users and spread to other computers on the same network. Technology improvements may mean the “Wild West” days of rampant computer viruses are over, but you still need to take steps to protect your devices. Most modern [...]

How to Avoid Rideshare Scams While Traveling

If you’re planning a vacation around the country, traveling has never been easier, especially with so many rideshare opportunities available to make it easy to get around. Apps like Uber and LYFT are highly accessible and easy to use. Many people rely on them, but it’s important to know that ride sharing apps are associated [...]

What to Do If My Email Is Found on The Dark Web?

Pretty much everyone uses email. It’s part of your daily life. But what do you do if your email address is found on the dark web? People might be trying to access your accounts. Unfortunately, the dark web is where you can find a number of criminals and cybercriminals trying to break into your [...]

How Virtual Phone Numbers Can Help Protect Your Identity

Do you freely give out your phone number when you’re signing up on a shopping website or meeting a new acquaintance? If so, you should know that criminals can use your phone number to commit identity theft. For example, scammers may try to spoof (impersonate) your legitimate phone number to contact your friends and family, [...]

Are College Students Targeted by Identity Thieves?

When it comes to identity theft, young adults are a primary target. Students are four times more likely to be targets of fraud that can go undetected for years compared to other consumers. In fact, 15% of students deal with severe or moderate impacts from fraud, according to a report from Tulane University. Criminals [...]

Common Tech Support Scams and How to Avoid Them

These days, we live our lives online. Whether we’re ordering groceries or looking for new shoes, all we need to do is create an account, fill out some basic personal details and log in. But what happens when that account is compromised – or when we think that account is compromised? Maybe you get an [...]

What is Social Media Account Cloning?

When a scammer has the right information, they can easily impersonate you on social media by cloning your account. It’s pretty simple to do when much of the information that scammers need is publicly available on the real person’s profile. Criminals can use cloned social accounts to scam your friends, commit identity theft and even [...]

How to Avoid and Report Boss Scams

A boss scam is a phishing (email) or smishing (text messages) scam used by hackers. Hackers send fraudulent emails or texts in the boss scam, impersonating your boss or another executive. Information gathered through such scams can then be used for illegal activities and identity theft. The Better Business Bureau has warned the public [...]

SIM Swapping Attacks on the Rise- Here’s How to Keep Safe

SIM swapping, also called SIM splitting or hijacking, is a technique employed by online fraudsters to gain access to, seize and control a victim's phone number and SIM information. They gain access to the victim’s identity and information through their phone company and use the information to conduct theft and other fraudulent activities online. Recently, [...]

How Important are Phone Software Updates?

As annoying as software updates are on your phone, they are necessary to help protect you. With every update that you get, your phone's performance can improve. On the other hand, ignoring these updates can make your phone slow, hang frequently and be incompatible with different apps and software. It can also make your [...]

Can “Buy Now, Pay Later” Apps Be Trusted with My Personal Data?

It may be tempting to look for new ways to manage personal finances. For example, one of the latest credit options is to use a so-called “buy-now, pay-later” app, which can fund your purchase today and act as a digital layaway platform until you can fully repay the debt.  Considering this type of app is [...]

Why K-12 Schools Are Prime Targets for Cybercriminals

Private companies and large government agencies aren’t the only organizations that need to prioritize cybersecurity. Kindergarten through 12th-grade schools are also targeted by cybercriminals with hacks, ransomware, phishing scams, data breaches and more. According to the K-12 Security Information Exchange, last year set a record of cyber incidents in schools, with 408 disclosed incidents. [...]

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month: Here Are 4 Cybersecurity Tips to Keep Protected

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month and the theme for 2021 is “Do Your Part. #BeCyberSmart.” There’s never been a better time than right now to review the processes you have in place to avoid the latest cybersecurity risks lurking in the corners of our everyday digital lives. The top cybersecurity concerns for consumers regarding [...]

Scam School: Bad Practices on Social Media Could Put Your Identity at Risk

With the increased global use of social media, there are more opportunities than ever for scammers to steal identities or perpetrate fraud online. It can even put your family at physical risk. For example, did you know that your status updates posted on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and many other social media sites can be [...]

Back 2 School? Here’s Why Credit Monitoring is a Must-Have for College Students

As U.S. university and college students look to return back to campus this fall, chances are they have plenty on their mind going into the first post-pandemic semester. And perhaps one thing that is way down on their to-do list is to consider how vulnerable they're to ID theft. Truth be told: cybercrimes against [...]

Cloudstar Remains Compromised Following Ransomware Attack

Cloudstar, one of the title industry's primary cloud providers, remains compromised after a recent ransomware attack disrupted its services. The company also provides services to real estate, legal, insurance, financial services, petrochemical and the oil and gas industries. The Victim of a Ransomware Attack Here’s what happened, according to a notice on the Cloudstar [...]

BYOD? Here Are Possible Risks if You Are Bringing Your Own Device to Work

The shift to remote work during the pandemic brought with it a more relaxed approach to how employers view the idea of employees using their own devices. It is likely that as workers begin returning to the workplace, they may be able to keep using their own devices. While there are certainly some pros [...]

Cybercrime is on the Rise – Here are Some Easy Ways to Protect Yourself

The recent Verizon Data Breach Investigations report shows that global cybercrime is on the rise. It’s a frightening prospect at first glance, but the good news is that the best line of defense may not be as complicated as you think. The Verizon report, which gathers information on 5,358 breaches from around the world, highlights [...]

Account Takeover: What is it and How to Prevent It?

Account takeover is a form of identity theft in which a malicious third party gains access to or “takes over” an online account. In this guide, we define how account takeover happens, how it affects consumers and businesses and what you can do to help protect yourself from it.

Here Are the Top 3 Online Scams and How to Avoid Them

The recent Federal Bureau of Investigations Internet Crime Report shows that cybercrime has spiked, leaving hundreds of thousands of victims and costing more than $4 billion. The FBI received a record number of reports last year totaling 791,790, a 69% growth from 2019. Moreover, losses due to internet crime increased by $700 million, growing from [...]

Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Post a Photo of Your COVID-19 Vaccination Card Online

You may have noticed that nestled in with baby announcements, social-distancing birthday photos and dog snaps, social media posts are now also featuring people celebrating getting their COVID-19 vaccinations. It’s natural that after a year of living under pandemic restrictions people are eager to share their experiences with the shot. One thing you should [...]

4 Identity Theft Myths to Stop Believing

Identity theft has been around for a long time, and it continues to evolve and adapt with the times. With the variety of scams out there, it’s easy to get bogged down in rumors and half-truths. When it comes to identity theft, you need to avoid believing misinformation and spreading it to others. Here [...]

Here’s How the Recent SolarWinds Cyberattack on U.S. Agencies and Companies Affects You

Cybersecurity experts are still trying to determine the scale of damage wrought by a recent cyberattack using SolarWinds software on the U.S. government and Fortune 500 companies. The attack aimed at the U.S. Treasury and Commerce departments as well as international companies continued for months until it was discovered by FireEye, a cybersecurity company that [...]

How Oversharing About Your Kids on Social Media Can Lead to Identity Theft

Every day, criminals scour the internet for personal information they can use to commit fraud and identity theft. In this digital age, individuals need to take steps to protect their privacy and information from fraudsters. This is as true for children as it is for adults, as kids can be victims of identity theft well [...]

Phishing and Malware Attacks Most Common Techniques for Credential Theft

Every day we use our personal information for access to online accounts, smart devices and other resources. This happens so frequently that the sensitivity of credential information can be taken for granted. A recent study by password management company LastPass found that a staggering 61 percent of business users reuse the same passwords for [...]

One of Largest IT Staffing Agencies in U.S. Reports Data Breach

A ransomware attack has exposed the commercial and personal employee data of Artech Information Systems, one of the largest IT staffing agencies in the nation. The data breach occurred Jan. 5 – 8 after a bad actor gained access to company servers through an employee user account, according to Bleeping Computer. Company officials said [...]

Former Uber Executive Charged in Data Breach Cover Up

A former Uber executive has been charged with covering up a data breach affecting 57 million app users and drivers. Joe Sullivan, Uber’s former chief security officer, is facing obstruction of justice and other charges stemming from a 2016 data breach. The breach occurred when two men hacked a third-party server to steal the personal [...]

How to Help Protect Your Medical Records from Cybercriminals

Medical records are a prime target for cybercriminals, and data breaches are a frequent occurrence in the health care industry. These records are valuable because they may contain a large variety of personal information, including your name, address, insurance information, Social Security number (SSN) and medical history. Medical records can be used to commit [...]

Google and Amazon Customers Top List of Brand Phishing Targets

Scammers are now targeting Google and Amazon customers the most frequently with brand phishing attacks, according to a new report. A recent study by security company Check Point found that Google and Amazon customers tie for the most phishing attacks aiming to steal their personal information at 13% of total attacks during the second quarter [...]

Cybercriminals Targeting Healthcare Industry Along with Coronavirus-Related Scams

As headlines focus on coronavirus-related scams, the related healthcare industry also continues to be a top target for cybercriminals. This year alone more than 3 million patient records have been exposed, according to Health It Security. Top 5 Healthcare Data Breaches This Year 1. Health Share of Oregon More than 654,000 patients had their [...]

FBI and Cybersecurity Agency Issue Warning China is Hacking Organizations and Companies Working on COVID-19 Research

The FBI and Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency have issued a warning that China is attempting to hack the networks of U.S. organizations, pharmaceutical companies and health care professionals working on coronavirus vaccines and research. The federal agencies called research institutions, companies and others working on the COVID-19 response “prime targets” for Chinese cyberattacks. [...]

Working From Home? Make Sure Your Data is Secure

As many of us are working from home during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, now is the time to be especially vigilant when it comes to protecting personal and business data online. Here are three tips to help secure your data. 1. Use a virtual private network (VPN). Securing employee access with a VPN can give [...]

Microsoft Data Breach Exposes 250 Million Customer Records

Microsoft recently announced a data breach affecting one of its customer databases and exposing millions of records, including the personally identifying information (PII) of some customers who may have used Microsoft support since 2005. Between Dec. 5 and Dec. 31, a change made to an internal customer support database’s network security contained misconfigured security [...]

Phishing Attacks Becoming More Sophisticated

Hackers are becoming more and more sophisticated in their phishing email attempts to steal personal and company data. The number of data breaches caused by phishing is increasing with hackers finding their way into a company’s network using phished information such as employees’ stolen credentials, according to a recent report from cybersecurity organization Crowdstrike. [...]

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