Tax Season Scams: How to Protect Your Identity

While it’s important to be on high alert and protect your identity all year long, tax season is an especially vulnerable time. Every tax season, identity thieves run a variety of scams to get their hands on taxpayers’ personal information. Many scams occur, but most have a common goal: filing a fraudulent tax return [...]

How Does Identity Theft Affect Your Credit Score?

Identity theft is no joke. Unfortunately, it can have some serious consequences for your financial health. One of the most significant impacts it can have is on your credit score. This blog explains how identity theft affects your credit score and gives tips to help protect it. How Does Identity Theft Impact Your Credit [...]

Top 7 Data Security Practices for the Workplace

As businesses become increasingly reliant on technology, protecting sensitive information is more important than ever. Data breaches and cyberattacks can result in costly consequences, making strong data security practices essential. In this blog, we cover the top-seven data security practices every workplace should implement to help protect valuable information and more. Why is Data [...]

Tax Identity Theft: A Comprehensive Guide

Tax season can sometimes be stressful even when things go according to plan, but what happens when you are the victim of tax identity theft? Here's a comprehensive guide on tax identity theft, how it works, and what to do if you suspect it. What Is Tax Identity Theft? Tax identity theft happens when someone [...]

How to Protect Yourself from Airline Scams

Scammers are always looking for ways to take advantage of people, and the airline industry is no exception. Whether through fake airline ticket booking sites or fake flight cancellation emails, travelers need to be vigilant and protect themselves from airline scams. In this blog, we provide tips and advice on recognizing and avoiding airline [...]

What Is Ransomware and How Does It Work?

Ransomware is one of the most common types of cyberattacks. With how vastly the internet has become embedded in our day-to-day lives, cyberattacks such as ransomware can cause costly disruptions. According to the Harvard Business Review, the amount of money paid to ransomware hackers increased 300% from 2020 to 2021. This is after ransomware attacks rose [...]

5 Common Hotel Scams and How to Avoid Them

Staying at a hotel should be an enjoyable experience. But unfortunately, there are many scams out there that can make it a nightmare. To help protect your personal information and money, it is important to be aware of the most common hotel scams and how to help avoid them. 5 Common Hotel Scams Hotels [...]

How to Prevent Tax Identity Theft

Every year, tax season presents a seasonal opportunity for criminals seeking monetary gain from identity theft. There are many ways that scammers may try to obtain personal information, but the end goal is to file a falsified tax return in the taxpayer’s name and claim a tax refund. The scheme may not be discovered [...]

How to Add Utility Payments to Your Credit Report

The traditional way to build credit requires getting a credit card and/or loan and making monthly payments on time. But that activity doesn’t include all the other utility bills you pay. So, it only represents a small portion of your financial behavior. Most utility providers don’t report payment activity to the credit bureaus, which [...]

What to Do If Your Phone Is Lost or Stolen

Losing your phone can feel like the end of the world. One minute it's in your pocket, and the next you can't find it anywhere! Whether it was dropped somewhere, taken by someone, or completely disappeared into thin air, you're now in a whirlwind of worry and frustration. No doubt you are concerned about [...]

Can Hackers Create Fake Hotspots?

We rely on the internet, from communicating with loved ones on social media to working and conducting business. As a result, vulnerability to cybercrime is a serious concern. One of the ways hackers attempt to exploit people is by creating Wi-Fi hotspots that imitate a legit business, organization or even an airport and acts [...]

What is a Keylogger and What Does Keylogging Mean?

You might not realize it, but your computer or phone constantly records everything you do. Every keystroke, every website you visit, and every password you type is recorded by a piece of software or hardware called a keylogger or keystroke logger. Keyloggers are used for many different things - from tracking employees' activity to [...]

What Happens If You Open a Spam Email on Your Phone?

Spam emails only become dangerous depending on how you handle them. So, while opening a spam email won't necessarily cause harm, what you do next is crucial. This blog will discuss what you can do if you accidentally open a spam email on your smartphone. What Happens If You Accidentally Open a Spam Email [...]

What You Should Know About ‘Pig Butchering Scams’

Scammers are back at it again with a new scheme – called “pig butchering scams” – that targets people looking for love online. This highly sophisticated scam lures people into long-term relationships before selling them on fake online investment opportunities.  The scam is quickly spreading. The FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center recently saw more than [...]

Looking for Love Online? Be Aware of Scammers and Fraud

Most people know a couple who met on an online dating site. What was once a stigma has now become commonplace as access to the internet has grown, and so has the number of online dating sites. Finding love online is now as simple as downloading an [...]

7 Tips to Follow for Safer Internet Day

The 20th annual Safer Internet Day is taking place on February 7! Safer Internet Day is a campaign that aims to educate the public on internet safety and encourage everyone to take part in creating a safer internet. Why is Safer Internet Day Important? Online safety is a global issue, with 60% of the [...]

How Can I Find Out If Someone is Using My Social Security Number?

As the threat of identity theft continues to rise yearly, it’s important to watch out for signs that someone is using your Social Security number (SSN). In this blog post, we will explore the steps you can take to find out if someone is using your SSN and what to do if you discover [...]

6 Tips for Sharing Files Safely and Securely

Whether you have a project you are working on or want to give someone a couple of photos, there are several scenarios where you find yourself in need of sharing files. Regardless of the file type you want to share, it is important to consider the safety of the methods you use. In this [...]

Tax Prep Checklist: What You Need to File Your Taxes and Help Prevent Tax Fraud

With the New Year comes the time for filing your taxes. You should already be preparing to get your information together to file last year’s taxes. When the time comes to officially file, you do not want to end up with missing documents or information. This can significantly lengthen the filing process and even [...]

What is Shoulder Surfing?

Shoulder surfing is a type of identity theft practice where someone tries to steal confidential information by spying over their target's shoulder. The objective of shoulder surfing is to steal sensitive information such as passwords, credit card numbers or personal identification numbers (PINs) that can later be used to access accounts for financial gain.

Statement Balance vs. Current Balance: What’s the Difference?

Have you ever looked at your bank statement and wondered, what's the difference between your statement balance and your current balance? Don't worry. You're not alone! In this blog, we're breaking down the differences between a statement balance and a current balance. What is a Statement Balance? The statement balance is the total amount you owe [...]

How to Not Get Scammed Buying Tickets

If attending the biggest sporting events, festivals and concerts is a big part of your vacation plans, it can be a bummer to find out that the ticket deal you scored is a scam. After all, you are making a hefty investment to be there, which you know after budgeting out your vacation. And it [...]

LifeLock Data Breach Compromises Thousands! Learn How to Help Protect Your Online Identity

Recently, thousands of Norton LifeLock customer accounts were compromised in a data breach. Criminal hackers attempted to break into Norton LifeLock customer accounts and possible password managers, meaning they might have gained access to customers’ usernames, passwords and other personal information. The company reports credential stuffing as the likely culprit for the attack.  Credential [...]

Top 10 IdentityIQ Blog Posts of 2022

With a final look back at 2022, we’re rounding up the most searched and visited blog posts from last year. Our most popular topics were primarily concerned with identifying and preventing different types of identity theft and scams. Our readers were interested in topics that covered how criminals can steal their money, access their [...]

Tax Preparer Fraud: How to Choose the Right Tax Preparer

With the tax season back, so are tax preparer fraudsters. While many trustworthy and honest tax preparers are willing to help you complete your tax returns, it’s still good to be cautious, especially when you want to protect your identity. Here’s how to avoid tax preparer fraud and what to look for when choosing [...]

5 Things You Should Not Share on Social Media

Social media has become some of the most popular platforms people spend their time on. Whether you want to check up on your family members, post photos or even meet new people, social media is the way to go. Even businesses take up social media to promote their products and services. What you post on [...]

Can Your Identity Be Stolen From Your Passport?

Most of us are familiar with the concept of identity theft – someone stealing your personal information and using it to commit fraud or other crimes. You can try to take all the proper precautions, but, unfortunately, your identity still might be at risk. For example, this can happen if your passport falls into [...]

Is It Safe to Open a Holiday E-Card?

With the holiday season upon us, e-cards are a popular way to spread holiday cheer! An e-card is a digital greeting card, typically sent via email. E-cards are slowly taking the place of traditional holiday cards for many reasons. They are  typically cheaper, easier to send, more convenient and more animated than a normal [...]

How Can College Students Avoid Identity Theft?

College students have many different things competing for their attention, from classes to school activities to an active social life. With all these demands, fighting identity theft might not seem like a pressing matter. But students are prime targets for identity theft, which can cause long-term damage to their finances and credit. Why Are [...]

Is IdentityIQ a Scam?

Is IdentityIQ a scam? Does a company that protects you and your family’s identity really exist? Yes, in fact, IdentityIQ services not only monitor your identity, but you also receive credit report monitoring, meaning your identity and credit are protected. IdentityIQ plans also feature device security with anti-virus and VPN. So, you have complete [...]

How Identity Theft Damages More Than Just Your Credit Scores

Having a good credit score can be extremely beneficial when pursuing important financial goals like opening a credit card, taking out a loan or buying a car or a home. It can even help you land certain types of jobs or rent your dream apartment. For this reason, it’s very important to protect your [...]

How Are Elderly Americans Vulnerable to Identity Theft?

Elderly Americans are facing a drastic increase in cybercrime, identity theft and financial abuse. Adults over age 60 last year reported $1.3 billion in cybercrime losses to the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) – a 74% increase from the previous year. The fact is, older Americans are a popular target for criminals who [...]

What Happens If a Scammer Has Your Email Address?

It can be scary finding out that a scammer has stolen your email address, whether it’s your personal or work address. Sadly, there are many ways scammers and hackers can source their victims’ email addresses, including buying them from data providers or the dark web, email harvesting, social engineering, fake websites or social media. [...]

Can My Identity be Stolen from My Birth Certificate?

For most U.S. citizens, an official birth certificate may be the most critical document to have in their possession. Birth certificates back up your identity using your name, date of birth, place of birth, your sex/gender as recorded at birth and the identity of your parents. They’re commonly referred to as “breeder documents” because [...]

Can Someone Change Your Address Without Your Knowledge?

No one ever expects to be a victim of identity theft. But the unfortunate truth is that it happens more often than you might think. According to AARP, one in four people is the victim of identity theft in the United States. Unfortunately, criminals don't always need your personal information to steal your identity [...]

Do People Go Through Trash to Steal Your Identity?

When people mention identity theft, it’s only natural that your mind goes to the internet, dark web and digital identity theft. However, you’d be surprised to learn about the number of people actively digging through your trash to find information on your identity. Statistics from the Green Team indicate that Americans receive more than 4 million tons [...]

Do You Still Need to Buy Antivirus Software?

Computer viruses are malicious programs that can disrupt computer systems, hijack or steal sensitive data, spy on users and spread to other computers on the same network. Technology improvements may mean the “Wild West” days of rampant computer viruses are over, but you still need to take steps to protect your devices. Most modern [...]

How to Avoid Rideshare Scams While Traveling

If you’re planning a vacation around the country, traveling has never been easier, especially with so many rideshare opportunities available to make it easy to get around. Apps like Uber and LYFT are highly accessible and easy to use. Many people rely on them, but it’s important to know that ride sharing apps are associated [...]

What to Do If My Email Is Found on The Dark Web?

Pretty much everyone uses email. It’s part of your daily life. But what do you do if your email address is found on the dark web? People might be trying to access your accounts. Unfortunately, the dark web is where you can find a number of criminals and cybercriminals trying to break into your [...]

Should I Report Identity Theft to the Police?

It's natural to feel sleepless, worried and anxious once you realize you've become a victim of identity theft. You might wonder what to do. You might also wonder if you should report the identity theft to police. Here’s help in finding out if you should report identity theft to your local police department. When Should [...]

How to Help Protect Your Identity Offline

The media often covers data breaches and cyberattacks that expose the personal data of large groups of people, leaving them vulnerable to identity theft and other forms of fraud. One of the best ways to help protect yourself from digital threats like these is to safeguard your data online. But your personal data isn’t just [...]

4 Ways to Avoid Payment App Scams

Peer-to-peer, or P2P, payment platforms like PayPal, Venmo, and CashApp are popular because they’re quick, convenient, and easy ways to send money to other people electronically. When used as intended, payment apps are relatively safe, but they lack some fraud protections and features that traditional payment methods like credit cards and debit cards have. There [...]

4 Tips to Help Avoid Identity Theft During the Homebuying Process

When you apply for a mortgage loan to buy a home, you have to share a lot of personal information with your mortgage broker and lender. You may need to provide sensitive information such as your name, address, Social Security number, pay stubs, bank statements, information about your investment and retirement accounts, copies of your [...]

6 Common Facebook Marketplace Scams and How to Avoid Them

Are you looking to sell a couch, buy gently used patio furniture or offload that baby swing sitting in your basement for years? Facebook’s Marketplace is a one-stop platform that lets you do all of this – connecting you beyond your friend network to members of your community, enabling you to buy and sell [...]

How Virtual Phone Numbers Can Help Protect Your Identity

Do you freely give out your phone number when you’re signing up on a shopping website or meeting a new acquaintance? If so, you should know that criminals can use your phone number to commit identity theft. For example, scammers may try to spoof (impersonate) your legitimate phone number to contact your friends and family, [...]

Are College Students Targeted by Identity Thieves?

When it comes to identity theft, young adults are a primary target. Students are four times more likely to be targets of fraud that can go undetected for years compared to other consumers. In fact, 15% of students deal with severe or moderate impacts from fraud, according to a report from Tulane University. Criminals [...]

How to Protect Yourself from Rental Scams

Competition grows fiercer by the day in the nation’s hottest housing markets, and that translates to a competitive rental market as well. But this uptick in demand for apartments and rental homes has resulted in a tighter rental market, opening the door for scammers preying on the desperate. In fact, the Better Business Bureau warns renters [...]

Common Tech Support Scams and How to Avoid Them

These days, we live our lives online. Whether we’re ordering groceries or looking for new shoes, all we need to do is create an account, fill out some basic personal details and log in. But what happens when that account is compromised – or when we think that account is compromised? Maybe you get an [...]

What is Social Media Account Cloning?

When a scammer has the right information, they can easily impersonate you on social media by cloning your account. It’s pretty simple to do when much of the information that scammers need is publicly available on the real person’s profile. Criminals can use cloned social accounts to scam your friends, commit identity theft and even [...]

Avoid Fake Donation Sites Amid the Russia-Ukraine War

Times of tragedy often bring out acts of charity. But unfortunately, they also bring out scammers hell-bent on exploiting the situation. And the Russian-Ukraine War is no different. As Russia continues to invade Ukraine, more and more Ukrainians are getting displaced, and millions are fleeing the country. So, it makes sense for people to [...]

How to Avoid and Report Boss Scams

A boss scam is a phishing (email) or smishing (text messages) scam used by hackers. Hackers send fraudulent emails or texts in the boss scam, impersonating your boss or another executive. Information gathered through such scams can then be used for illegal activities and identity theft. The Better Business Bureau has warned the public [...]

How to Protect My Business from Identity Theft?

According to recent reports, identity theft is on the rise. Javelin Strategy reported identity theft resulted in an annual loss of $56 million in a mixed result of different criminal and fraudulent activities last year. When it comes to keeping your business database secure, there can be numerous challenges. If you are worried about [...]

SIM Swapping Attacks on the Rise- Here’s How to Keep Safe

SIM swapping, also called SIM splitting or hijacking, is a technique employed by online fraudsters to gain access to, seize and control a victim's phone number and SIM information. They gain access to the victim’s identity and information through their phone company and use the information to conduct theft and other fraudulent activities online. Recently, [...]

How Important are Phone Software Updates?

As annoying as software updates are on your phone, they are necessary to help protect you. With every update that you get, your phone's performance can improve. On the other hand, ignoring these updates can make your phone slow, hang frequently and be incompatible with different apps and software. It can also make your [...]

Can “Buy Now, Pay Later” Apps Be Trusted with My Personal Data?

It may be tempting to look for new ways to manage personal finances. For example, one of the latest credit options is to use a so-called “buy-now, pay-later” app, which can fund your purchase today and act as a digital layaway platform until you can fully repay the debt.  Considering this type of app is [...]

What Do You Need to Do When Your Employer Gets Hacked?

The risk of identity theft is a concept that most of us are probably familiar with given the rise of cybercrime and data breaches. Yet a new report by Identity Theft Resource Center and DIG. Works has revealed that most employees do little to protect themselves when they learn their personal information has been [...]

Can Robocalls Steal Your Identity?

Have you ever received a call to update your car warranty, but you have no car? Did the message sound like a recording? Well, that’s a robocall or an automated call. A robocall is a pre-recorded message delivered by a computerized dialer. These calls are often associated with telemarketing companies and political parties. But, [...]

How to Spot a Fake Shopping Website this Holiday Season

Americans are expected to spend $1.2 trillion this holiday season, with the majority of shoppers planning to buy most of their gifts online. Unfortunately, all that online spending is a huge motivator for scammers. Cyber-criminals set up fake shopping websites with the aim of selling consumers knockoff goods, stealing their information, or just taking their [...]

Gift Card Scams and How to Avoid Them

Gift cards can make for great gifts. They show your loved ones that you know their interests and give them the option to pick something of their own choice. They're an ideal gift for the upcoming holiday celebrations because they're an excellent way to work around product shortages and shipping delays. Problems with the [...]

8 Common Identity Theft Scams

Would you believe that incidents of identity fraud increased by more than 40% from 2019 to 2020? A report created by GIACT titled U.S. Identity Theft: The Stark Reality found financial loss related to identity theft rose by approximately 42% in 2020. With that huge increase, how can you protect yourself? The answer is [...]

Tips to Avoid Holiday Job Scams

During the holiday season, many begin looking to earn some extra cash by picking up some seasonal work. But all may not be merry and bright with scammers ramping up during the holidays. Along with legitimate “Now Hiring” signs dotting retail stores and restaurants across the United States, job ads are popping up in social [...]

What to Do If You’re a Victim of a Hospital Data Breach

A hospital in Worcester, Massachusetts, disclosed an email hack of its employee email system, which may have exposed the personal information of thousands of patients. Earlier this month, UMass Memorial Health alerted patients who were affected by the hospital data breach, according to the AP News. In a notice to affected patients, the hospital [...]

Why K-12 Schools Are Prime Targets for Cybercriminals

Private companies and large government agencies aren’t the only organizations that need to prioritize cybersecurity. Kindergarten through 12th-grade schools are also targeted by cybercriminals with hacks, ransomware, phishing scams, data breaches and more. According to the K-12 Security Information Exchange, last year set a record of cyber incidents in schools, with 408 disclosed incidents. [...]

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month: Here Are 4 Cybersecurity Tips to Keep Protected

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month and the theme for 2021 is “Do Your Part. #BeCyberSmart.” There’s never been a better time than right now to review the processes you have in place to avoid the latest cybersecurity risks lurking in the corners of our everyday digital lives. The top cybersecurity concerns for consumers regarding [...]

Scam School: Bad Practices on Social Media Could Put Your Identity at Risk

With the increased global use of social media, there are more opportunities than ever for scammers to steal identities or perpetrate fraud online. It can even put your family at physical risk. For example, did you know that your status updates posted on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and many other social media sites can be [...]

How Independent Contractors Can Use Employee Identification Numbers to Help Prevent Identity Theft

If you’re a sole proprietor or independent contractor, there’s a good chance you’ve used your Social Security number (SSN) to conduct business. Whether you’re filing taxes, applying for a business credit card or other general business activities, sole proprietors often have to use a SSN when there isn’t an alternative. Unfortunately, using your SSN [...]

Protect Your Personal Documents to Avoid Medical Identity Theft

Personal medical documents are valuable assets. Unfortunately, that means criminals are after those documents, too. Medical documents may contain personal information that includes your name, location, contact information, insurance policies, Social Security number and history of medical treatment. Criminals can use this information to open fraudulent accounts or even receive medical treatment using your identity. Your [...]

Back 2 School? Here’s Why Credit Monitoring is a Must-Have for College Students

As U.S. university and college students look to return back to campus this fall, chances are they have plenty on their mind going into the first post-pandemic semester. And perhaps one thing that is way down on their to-do list is to consider how vulnerable they're to ID theft. Truth be told: cybercrimes against [...]

Cloudstar Remains Compromised Following Ransomware Attack

Cloudstar, one of the title industry's primary cloud providers, remains compromised after a recent ransomware attack disrupted its services. The company also provides services to real estate, legal, insurance, financial services, petrochemical and the oil and gas industries. The Victim of a Ransomware Attack Here’s what happened, according to a notice on the Cloudstar [...]

5 Reasons Why Your Free Credit Report Isn’t Enough

With cybercrime on the rise, your personal information is at risk now more than ever. One of your best lines of defense is monitoring your credit report. You’re able to check your free credit report annually from the three major credit bureaus. And there’s nothing wrong with using this free service to review your [...]

BYOD? Here Are Possible Risks if You Are Bringing Your Own Device to Work

The shift to remote work during the pandemic brought with it a more relaxed approach to how employers view the idea of employees using their own devices. It is likely that as workers begin returning to the workplace, they may be able to keep using their own devices. While there are certainly some pros [...]

Audi Got Hacked: What Cybercrimals Do with Your Information and How to Protect It

Volkswagen Group of America has revealed a data breach impacting more than 3.3 million customers after a vendor exposed unsecured data online, according to NBC News. The automaker said an unauthorized third party obtained personal information about customers and interested buyers from a vendor used for digital sales and marketing by its Audi Volkswagen [...]

Cybercrime is on the Rise – Here are Some Easy Ways to Protect Yourself

The recent Verizon Data Breach Investigations report shows that global cybercrime is on the rise. It’s a frightening prospect at first glance, but the good news is that the best line of defense may not be as complicated as you think. The Verizon report, which gathers information on 5,358 breaches from around the world, highlights [...]

How to Protect Your Mail from Identity Theft

The mail contains some of the most sensitive information that you can have: your name, address, contact information, bank account number and routing number on mailed checks, financial statements and much more. Despite this vulnerability, unlocked mailboxes and easily-opened paper envelopes leave mail especially vulnerable to thieves. Criminals can use the information contained in your [...]

Account Takeover: What is it and How to Prevent It?

Account takeover is a form of identity theft in which a malicious third party gains access to or “takes over” an online account. In this guide, we define how account takeover happens, how it affects consumers and businesses and what you can do to help protect yourself from it.

How to Spot a Debt Collection Scam

When creditors sell your unpaid debt to a collection agency, the debt collector can call you directly to try and collect what you owe. But criminals posing as legitimate debt collectors may also target you, using deception or intimidation to collect debts you don’t owe, or they have no authority to collect. Top 4 Debt [...]

Check Scams are on the Rise – Here’s How to Keep Safe

Check scams are staging a comeback as criminals continue to seize on the confusion the COVID-19 pandemic has created in people’s lives and finances. Recently, Wells Fargo sent a message to bank customers warning them to be on the lookout for check scammers. One age group in particular – the 18 to 24 group [...]

Here Are the Top 3 Online Scams and How to Avoid Them

The recent Federal Bureau of Investigations Internet Crime Report shows that cybercrime has spiked, leaving hundreds of thousands of victims and costing more than $4 billion. The FBI received a record number of reports last year totaling 791,790, a 69% growth from 2019. Moreover, losses due to internet crime increased by $700 million, growing from [...]

How Can I Protect My Personal Information After a Data Breach?

On average there are three data breaches a day, according to the Identity Theft Resource Center. So, that means your personal information might be at risk. If you’ve been notified you have been compromised in a data breach or suspect your personal information has been exposed, here are some concrete steps you can take to [...]

How Cybercriminals Use Stolen Personal Data for Tax Fraud

When an identity thief has purchased your personal information from a data breach, they can use it for all manner of malicious purposes. One common use is tax identity theft. This means a criminal might have purchased your bank account details and tax documents online and then have authenticated access to your bank account. Then [...]

How Cybercriminals Profit from a Data Breach

If you’re still under the impression that hacking is restricted to hoodie-wearing individuals in darkened rooms, then you might be vastly underestimating the scale of the data breach problem.   Last year alone more than 300 million consumers were impacted by data breaches, according to the Identity Theft Resource Center. Let’s break down how cybercriminals [...]

Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Post a Photo of Your COVID-19 Vaccination Card Online

You may have noticed that nestled in with baby announcements, social-distancing birthday photos and dog snaps, social media posts are now also featuring people celebrating getting their COVID-19 vaccinations. It’s natural that after a year of living under pandemic restrictions people are eager to share their experiences with the shot. One thing you should [...]

What is Identity Theft Insurance?

Identity theft insurance is a type of insurance policy that can help victims recover from losses caused by identity theft. It may be offered as a standalone policy, or as a benefit with other types of insurance or identity protection plans. Not all identity theft insurance policies offer the same level of coverage. If you’re [...]

How to Help Protect Your Credit Health When You Missed a Bill Payment

Life is hectic and it’s easy to miss details sometimes, even when that detail happens to be a bill coming due. Making your payments on time can be tough when you’re having financial troubles or simply juggling a lot of responsibilities. It’s important to pay your bills on time to protect your credit health. [...]

5 Data Breaches You May Have Missed

The news cycle has been dominated by the COVID-19 pandemic, the presidential election, nationwide protests and a whole lot more. With all that transpired over the last few months, and even with the SolarWinds cyberattack making headlines, it might be easy to forget that data breaches and hacks continue to expose the personal information [...]

Don’t Fall Victim to COVID-19 Vaccine Phishing Schemes

As the COVID-19 vaccine continues to become available to more people, be aware of potential phishing scams related to the vaccine. It’s important to stay vigilant to certain warning signs prevent you from being a phishing scam. Two vaccines to prevent coronavirus infections have now been granted authorization for emergency use. Every day thousands of [...]

4 Identity Theft Myths to Stop Believing

Identity theft has been around for a long time, and it continues to evolve and adapt with the times. With the variety of scams out there, it’s easy to get bogged down in rumors and half-truths. When it comes to identity theft, you need to avoid believing misinformation and spreading it to others. Here [...]

2 Things You Can Do to Help Reach Your Credit Goals in the New Year

The start of a new year is a great time to reassess your financial health and implement habits that help positively impact your credit profile. Monitoring your credit report and identity is the best place to start your financial resolutions since it can have a ripple effect in other aspects of your life as the [...]

Here’s How the Recent SolarWinds Cyberattack on U.S. Agencies and Companies Affects You

Cybersecurity experts are still trying to determine the scale of damage wrought by a recent cyberattack using SolarWinds software on the U.S. government and Fortune 500 companies. The attack aimed at the U.S. Treasury and Commerce departments as well as international companies continued for months until it was discovered by FireEye, a cybersecurity company that [...]

How Oversharing About Your Kids on Social Media Can Lead to Identity Theft

Every day, criminals scour the internet for personal information they can use to commit fraud and identity theft. In this digital age, individuals need to take steps to protect their privacy and information from fraudsters. This is as true for children as it is for adults, as kids can be victims of identity theft well [...]

How Multiple Credit Cards Can Affect Your Credit Score

To use a credit card for establishing credit, you need to have at least one open card that can be reported to the credit agencies. But beyond that, there’s no definitive number of cards you need to have in your wallet for good credit. While your credit cards directly impact your credit, the number of [...]

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