As the holiday season approaches, online shopping becomes increasingly popular. With the increase in online shopping comes the increased risk of falling victim to scams. One growing threat during this time is the fake package delivery notification scam.

In this type of scam, fraudsters send deceptive emails or text messages claiming to be legitimate shipping notifications from reputable carriers or retailers such as FedEx, UPS, and the U.S. Postal Service. These messages can include fake information about the shipment status of an order, urging recipients to click on malicious links, make payments, and download attachments.

The goal of fake package delivery scams is to trick recipients into revealing sensitive personal information, such as login credentials or credit card information. Or scammers are looking to infect victims’ devices with malware.

What Is a Phishing Scam?

Fake shipping delivery scams fall under the broader category of phishing scams. Phishing is a type of scam where bad actors pose as trustworthy companies or organizations to deceive victims into providing sensitive information or performing actions that compromise their security, their identity, and their finances.

With fake delivery notification scams, these messages can imitate well-known shipping companies or online retailers. These messages often create a false sense of urgency to prompt recipients to click on links, provide payment information, or download attachments. Once users interact with these malicious elements, scammers can gain unauthorized access to the victims’ personal information and accounts or compromise their devices.

How Can I Avoid Fake Delivery Notification Scams?

Protecting yourself from fake shipping notification scams and other phishing attacks requires caution. Here are some essential tips to help you avoid falling victim to these scams during the holiday season.

Verify the Sender: Before clicking on any links or downloading attachments, verify the legitimacy of the sender. Check the email address and look for any suspicious elements, such as misspellings or unusual domains. Legitimate shipping notifications typically come from the official email addresses of well-known carriers. When in doubt, contact the company directly.

Use Officiation Websites: Instead of clicking on links in emails or text messages, visit the official website of the shipping company or retailer directly by typing the URL into your browser. This helps ensure you are accessing the authentic site and not a fraudulent site.

Lookout for Red Flags: Be cautious of emails or text messages that create a sense of urgency, contain spelling or grammar mistakes, or request sensitive information. Legitimate companies usually communicate professionally and do not pressure customers to provide personal details through email or text message.

Update Your Software: Keep your antivirus and anti-malware software up to date to provide an additional layer of protection against potential threats. IdentityIQ device security with anti-virus and VPN provide complete protection against malware and scammers.

Why Is Identity Theft Protection Important?

The importance of staying vigilant against fake shipping notification and other phishing scams extends beyond an immediate threat. When scammers have access to your personal information, it can lead to identity theft and severe consequences, including financial loss, damage to your credit score, unauthorized access to various accounts, and identity thieves opening up new accounts in your name.

By signing up for IdentityIQ identity theft protection, you can help protect your personal information and your finances. You also can receive alerts if a scammer uses your personal information – one of the first signs of identity theft.

Bottom Line

Staying informed and proactive in helping protect your personal information can create a defense against scammers. Recognizing the signs of fake delivery notification scams, understanding phishing scams, adopting proactive security device measures, and signing up for IdentityIQ identity theft monitoring can help ensure a safe and secure holiday shopping experience for everyone.